Thursday, July 19, 2007

yup. it's peeing on my front step.

They say that fences make good neighbors, and I'm beginning to think I need to add on to mine. Today, I got home from work, to see the crazy, intruding puppy from the other day wandering along outside our backyard. I ignored it. That seemed to work for about a minute until I walked to the front door to find it sitting there trying its best to charm its way inside. No owner in sight. Great. There's a pitbull/rottweiler/mutt sitting on my front step. It then saw Vegas (and vice versa) and began pawing at my screen door. And that's when I stopped feeling any kind of compassion for this annoying little thing. I yelled. I pounded. A few minutes later (can anyone say inattentive owner?), I heard a whining call from the next block.


Ah, the little diva has come to claim her precious. As I dodged a stream of urine the dog was leaking on my front step, the girl had the nerve to ask me to bring it over to her. Uh, no. Dear, you might be five, but your grandma is a big girl.

They came over, the girl displaying an awful shade of pink lipstick, and made no real attempt to catch the dog. Meanwhile, the dog ran frenetic laps around my front yard through my plants. I grabbed the thing on its next pass and did not let go until the leash was firmly attached.

More aggravating neighborly ha ha's were exchanged, and then I retreated inside to my cute, well-behaved dog and a bottle of wine.

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