Friday, July 06, 2007

it's war

My pansies have died. One day, they were perky and colorful; the next, it looked like someone had attacked them with Roundup. The culprit was easy to determine. Hidden amongst the trampled, limp stems were peanut shells and crushed peanuts. Squirrels! Gotcha. Wednesday, I looked out to see two squirrels frolicking around the dead plants. Furious, I rushed out, grabbed rocks, and started throwing. They stared at me from the boulevard; my little league girl's arm was apparently not frightening them. Yesterday, I hunted online for the quickest, least humane way possible to "do what needed to be done", as Tony Soprano might say. I was shocked to come across this website: I guess it takes all kinds, but seriously, people. Squirrels are not the same as puppies or teddy bears.

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