Wednesday, July 25, 2007

so close i can smell the resale value

I realized a great quality in Matt yesterday--he's incredibly patient with people even if they're being idiots. Yesterday, we had our countertop installed. At about 9:00 am, the guys called to ask what color I had ordered. Um. Yeah. So, didn't you know that like 4 weeks ago? I called their company and things were attributed to guys being dumb basically. At about 4:00 pm, the guys called again to say that they couldn't find my house. Um. Yeah. So, Minneapolis is a grid. If you know how the numbering system works, you can find most any house. Obviously these guys didn't know. They finally got Matt on the phone who gave them step-by-step directions. At 5:00, a bit late for their 2:00-4:00 appointment, they showed up, proclaiming that they almost hit the light rail in the process. Geez. The good thing is that they might be a little dim in other areas, but they know what they're doing with Silestone. They have to come back to finish up some backsplash work thanks to our weird countertop, but so far so good.

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