Sunday, November 20, 2005

thermostat woes

I’m happy to report that our furnace seems to be working at the moment. I really shouldn’t say anything and jinx it, but I’ll take my chances. So, the furnace works, but now the thermostat doesn’t. It’s great. We had Luke over last night, and I was freezing. I had my hat on and a blanket over my shoulders, yet I kept shivering. I walked to the thermostat to investigate, and it said 72°. Ha! 72° is tropical compared to our house at that moment. The guys were even cold after three hours of whiskey waters, so I consulted a second source. I pulled out this awful clock I had brought home from work, and it said 64°. That’s more like it. Granted, it’s not a good thing that the thermostat doesn’t work, but I’ll take that over the furnace any day. I have decided that I’m going to keep my hat on permanently to avoid the hassle of combing my hair.

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