Thursday, January 12, 2006

no candle parties please...i'm only 25

I don’t have room for another woman in my life right now. I just received a hand delivered, handwritten, page-long letter from my neighbor, a woman named Joyce that I am told I met last fall while raking. Joyce would like me to come over for a candle party tonight to eat brownies and meet the neighbors. There is ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION to buy anything (she used uppercase and underline in the letter, which is kind of a threatening way to say it). Am I such a bad person for not wanting to go? I’m 25, and when my friends have those kinds of parties, I go, but I don’t want to join the circle of 70+-year-old ladies on my block. I can easily stay home, but the problem with neighbors is that they know where you live. They can look out their window and see that your lights are on. Of all the blocks in Minnesota, I ended up on one that really is Minnesota-nice, and I just don’t have it in me.

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