Tuesday, January 17, 2006

how much is that...

doggie in the window? Well, yesterday, she would have been pretty darn cheap. I don’t mean that whole doggie window thing as a cute joke—she actually was in the window. I was doing the dishes and half-watching her. I could hear her whipping her rope toy around and having a grand old time. Then, silence followed by a few rustles. I walked in the living room, and she was on the bay window ledge. She had jumped on the couch, made her way through the curtains, and was playing up in the freaking bay window. Stupid me, I had left a blanket up there that she likes to chew on. I guess I figured she wouldn’t notice it there or at least wouldn’t find a way to get at it. I have been proven wrong. She did that a few more times last night before stuffing herself behind the couch to hide from me and my broken record of “Bad Vegas!”

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