Sunday, February 05, 2006

vegas 7, matt 0

Ahh, another Super Bowl Sunday is upon us. Rather than have a party and, say, risk having some much-needed wildness ensue, we decided to stay in with Vegas. I made pizza, Matt pulled out the wine, and we settled in for the long, drawn-out game. We made it through the first 10 minutes without incident, and then Vegas struck. One of her favorite pastimes is jumping on the coffee table while we're eating and hunting for a quick bite. Tonight, she didn't get crumbs, but she did knock Matt's wine over. It created a nice, long arc of reddish dribble on the carpet. Now, I'm not a house cleaning wizard, but I seem to remember hearing that club soda is key to getting wine out. We have never had club soda in the house, so we settled for plain old water. After about 30 seconds of scrubbing, Matt decided that he couldn't tell if it had stained and went back to watching the commercials. His attention span was undoubtedly affected by the half-bottle he managed to drink before Vegas attacked.

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