Wednesday, February 01, 2006

oh, you're a pretty girl, aren't you veg?

I have realized that we are that kind of dog owner. You know the kind. They treat their dogs like people. They talk to them in public. They dress them in clothes (we haven't gone this far, but then again, Vegas is a bit big for yippie dog couture). I've come to this conclusion due to the following observations:

1. We call her things like "honey," "silly goose," and "cutey patootey."

2. We tell her things like, "You're so smart" and "Oh, I love you baby" and ask her how she's doing and what she thinks.

3. We're taking her to puppy kindergarten with a "Canine Coach."

4. We briefly considered taking her to doggy day care.

As long as she still sleeps in her kennel and poops outside, I think we're fine; however, I know there's a real danger that she'll take over the place. She's probably planning her coup on the back step as I write.

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