Tuesday, February 28, 2006

scooba diver

Dear Santa/Tooth Fairy/Potential Sugar Daddy,

Please bring me a Scooba. I will stay on the "Nice" list. I will start flossing. I will wear uncomfortable lace getups. I just really need a clean floor.

Everything in our house is covered with a layer of Vegas dirt. We're trapped in a wicked cycle of filth. I clean. She gets it dirty. I clean. She gets it dirty again. I get frustrated and stop cleaning. Take today for example. We went for a walk. She got full of mud from her belly down. Yuck. I tried to coax her into puddles to clean her off a little before going inside, but it did no good. She tracked wet mud (I sure hope it's mud) into the house before I could toss her in the shower. Now she's laying on our bed, giving it that nice wet dog smell.

If only I had a little floor-scrubbing robotic device to make my house shine. I urge you to consider my plea for help. Time Magazine said that it even scrubbed crusted food spots off the floor. Crusted food spots!! Can you believe it?

Please recall my promises if I receive a Scooba: nice list/floss/lace.


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