Monday, December 05, 2005

we've lost that Christmas feeling

Christmas has spewed all over our house. I thought we were being very ambitious. We dragged out the old Christmas tote and even put the tree up before December rolled around. The problem is we lack follow-through. The tree is lit but without ornaments; the presents are in various states of dress; and the arch lights are stuck together with painter's tape and piled up in a corner. I now understand why my mom set aside a single night to decorate the entire house. The five of us kids hated that. We were her mules, carrying the year-round decorations upstairs for storage and bringing the Christmas decorations down. Though we protested that night of Christmas hell, the house was always completed in just a few hours. Matt and I could really learn something from her technique. Yes, mom, now you can say, "I told you so."

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